Employees at the MPI-DS
Name | Phone | Room | Links | |
Josua Noel Eckardt |
| R1.117 | josua.eckardt@... | |
Alexander Ecker Max Planck Fellow |
| ecker@... | Ecker Page at Univ. Göttingen | |
Thomas Eggers |
| 0.56 | thomas.eggers@... | |
Nicola Ehrich Non-scientific employee, Technician |
| 0.61 | nicola.ehrich@... | |
Gregor Eichele Emeritus scientific member |
| gregor.eichele@... | Rhythms - Beating Cilia and Ticking Clocks | |
Jamal El Kuweiss wiss. Hilfskraft |
| 2.09 | jamalkoiyess@... | |
Mohammad Shah Emran Scientist |
| 2.131 | mohammad.emran@... | |
Samuel Erdmann |
| 3.132 | samuel.erdmann@... | |
Marcel Ernst |
| 3.105 | marcel.ernst@... |