Max Planck Partner Groups
The following Research Groups are Max Planck Partner Groups of our institute:
Bilkent University, Ankara I Dr. Amir Bahrami
Field of Research: Active Membrane Dynamics in Cellular and Biological Processes
Partner of Prof. R. Goledstanian
Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen I Prof. Dr. He Xiaozhou
Field of Research: Investigation of mid-ocean ridge evolutions using a wax model
Partner of Prof. E. Bodenschatz
Shaanxi Normal University I Dr. Xiang Gao
Field of Research: Biophysics, Pattern Formation
Partner of Prof. E. Bodenschatz
National Center for Biological Sciences, Bangalore I Dr. Shashi Thutupalli
Field of Research: The Self-Organization of Cellular Form and Function
Partner of Prof. S. Herminghaus