by MPI-DS employees at Göttingen University
Winter term 2024/25
Title | Lecturer | Type | When | Where |
Introduction to physics of complex systems | Stefan Klumpp, Philip Bittihn, Michael Fauth, Komal Bhattacharyya | lecture | 21.10.2024 - 03.02.2025, Mon 14:00 - 16:00 24.10.2024 - 06.02.2025, Thu 14:00 - 16:00 | HS5, E.00.109 (Fakultät Physik) |
Dynamics and self-organization in physics and biology | Stefano Villa, Eberhard Bodenschatz | seminar | 24.10.2024 - 06.02.2025, Thu 10:00 - 12:00 | MPI-DS Seminar room 0.77 |
Ethics in Synthetic Biology | Eberhard Bodenschatz, Thorsten Moos | blockseminar | 03.03.2025 - 14.03.2025, 9:00 - 18:00 | |
Experiments on the Origin of Life | Vahid Nasirimarekani, Eberhard Bodenschatz | seminar | 24.10.2024 - 06.02.2025, Thu 16:00 - 18:00 | MPI-DS seminar room 0.79 |
Nonlinear dynamics, time series analysis, and machine learning | Ulrich Parlitz, Philip Bittihn | blockseminar | 24.03.2025 - 04.04.2025, 9:00 - 18:00 | |
Path integral methods in stochastic processes and field theory | Gennaro Tucci, Luca Cocconi | lecture | 24.10.2024 - 06.02.2025, Thu 12:00 - 14:00 | SR1, C.03.110 (Fakultät Physik) |
Processing of Signals and Measured Data | Holger Nobach | lecture | 24.10.2024 - 06.02.2025, Thu 14:00-16:00 | SR9, C.04.101 (Fakultät Physik) |
Research seminar Theoretical Biophysics | Komal Bhattacharyya | seminar | 25.10.2024 - 07.02.2025, Fri 10:00 - 12:00 | SR1, C.03.110 (Fakultät Physik) |
Seminar on current topics in theoretical biophysics | Stefan Klumpp, Komal Bhattacharyya | seminar | 22.10.2024 - 04.02.2025, Tue 14:00 - 16:00 | SR7, C.01.101 (Fakultät Physik) |
Statistical Physics of Neural and Social System | Viola Priesemann | blockseminar | 10.03.2025 - 14.03.2025, 9:00 - 17:00 | MPI-DS seminar room 0.79 |
Statistical Physics of Neural Networks and Learning | Viola Priesemann, Johannes Zierenberg | seminar | 21.10.2024 - 03.02.2025, Mon 14:00 - 16:00 | MPI-DS seminar room 2.107 |
Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience: Collective dynamics of biological neural Networks I | Fred Wolf, Tim Gollisch, Michael Wibral | lecture | 25.10.2024 - 07.02.2025, Fri 14:00 - 16:00 | HS5, E.00.109 (Fakultät Physik) |
Summer term 2024
Title | Lecturer | Type | When | Where |
Active Matter | Dr. Benoit Mahault, Prof. Dr. Ramin Golestanian | lecture | 09.04.2024 - 09.07.2024 Tue 10:00-12:00 |
MPIDS 1.40 – Riemannraum (MPIDS) |
Advanced Complex Systems and Biological Physics | Dr. Stefano Villa, UnivProf.Dr. Eberhard Bodenschatz | seminar | 09.04.2024 - 09.07.2024 Tue 8:00-10:00 12.04.2024 - 12.07.2024 Fr 8:00-10:00 |
MPIDS 1.40 – Riemannraum (MPIDS) |
Introduction to Turbulence | Dr. Claudia Elizabeth Brunner, Dr. Yuna Hattori, Lorenn Le Turnier | lecture | 10.04.2024 - 10.07.2024, Wed 16:00-18:00 11.04.2024 - 11.07.2024 Thu 16:00-17:00 |
MPIDS 0.79 Am Faßberg 17, Seminarraum EG (MPIDS) |
Research seminar Theoretical Biophysics | UnivProf.Dr. Stefan Klumpp, Komal Bhattacharyya | seminar | 12.04.2024 - 12.07.2024 Fr 8:00-10:00 12.04.2024 - 27.09.2024 Fr 10:00-12:00 |
SR18, E.00.110 (Fakultät Physik) |
Seminar on current topics in theoretical biophysics | Komal Bhattacharyya | seminar | 08.04.2024 - 08.07.2024 Mon 14:00-16:00 |
SR18, E.00.110 (Fakultät Physik) |
Seminar on Living Matter Physics | Prof. Dr. Ramin Golestanian, Dr. Benoit Mahault | seminar | 09.04.2024 - 09.07.2024 | MPIDS 1.40 – Riemannraum (MPIDS) |
Spreading processes and learning in living systems | Prof. Dr. Viola Priesemann, Dr. Sebastian Contreras | lecture | 08.04.2024 - 08.07.2024 Mon 16:00-18:00 09.04.2024 - 09.07.2024 Tue 16:00-18:00 |
Mon MPIDS 0.79 Am Faßberg 17, Seminarraum EG (MPIDS) Tue SR11, C.03.101 (Fakultät Physik) |
Statistical Physics of Neural Networks and Learning | Prof. Dr. Viola Priesemann, Dr. Johannes Zierenberg | seminar | 08.04.2024 - 08.07.2024 Mon 14:00-16:00 |
Sustainable Scientific Software Development | Dr. Alexander Schlemmer, Inga Kottlarz, Gerrit Wellecke | lecture | 12.04.2024 - 12.07.2024 Fri 10:15-11:45 Fri 13:15-14:45 |
SR1, C.03.110 (Fakultät Physik) |
Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience: Collective dynamics of biological neural Networks II | Prof. Dr. Fred Wolf, Prof. Dr. Viola Priesemann | lecture | 12.04.2024 - 12.07.2024 Fri 14:00-16:00 |
HS3, A.00.105 (Fakultät Physik) |
Lecture Series in Physics for Data Scientists | UnivProf.Dr. Stanley Lai, UnivProf.Dr. Marcus Müller, apl. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Parlitz, Dr. Michael Fauth, UnivProf.Dr. Jörg Enderlein, Dr. Lisa Nortmann, Dr. Jörn Warnecke, UnivProf.Dr. Stefan Dreizler | lecture | 08.04.2024 - 08.07.2024 Mon 10:00-12:00 10.04.2024 - 10.07.2024 Wed 10:00-12:00 |
Mon HS3, A.00.105 (Fakultät Physik), Wed SR7, C.01.101 (Fakultät Physik) |
Winter term 2023/24
Title | Lecturer | Type | When | Where |
Modern Image Processing | Matthias Schröter | lecture | 26.10.2023 - 08.02.2024, 16:00 - 18:00 | SR3, A.03.101 (Fakultät Physik) |
Nonlinear dynamics, time series analysis, and machine learning | Ulrich Parlitz, Philip Bittihn | seminar | 04.03.2024 - 15.03.2024 | SR1, C.03.110, SR2, C.03.112, SR13, B.01.134 (SR19) (Fakultät Physik) |
Introduction to physics of complex systems | Stefan Klumpp, Philip Bittihn, Michael Fauth | lecture | 23.10.2023 - 05.02.2024, Mon 14:00 - 16:00 26.10.2023 - 08.02.2024, Thu 14:00 - 16:00 | HS5, E.00.109 (Fakultät Physik) |
Optical measurement techniques | Holger Nobach | lecture | 26.10.2023 - 08.02.2024, 13:00 - 14:00 14:00 - 16:00 | SR13, B.01.134 (SR19) (Fakultät Physik), SR16, F.02.125 (Fakultät Physik) |
Physics in Synthetic Biology | Eberhard Bodenschatz, Vahid Nasirimarekani | seminar | 26.10.2023 - 08.02.2024, 16:00 - 18:00 | MPIDS 0.79 Am Faßberg 17, Seminarraum EG (MPIDS) |
Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience: Collective dynamics of biological neural Networks I | Fred Wolf, Tim Gollisch, Michael Wibral | lecture | 27.10.2023 - 09.02.2024, Fr 14:00 - 16:00 18.01.2024 - 08.02.2024, Thu 16:00 - 18:00 c.t. | |
Dynamics and self-organization in physics and biology | Eberhard Bodenschatz, Stefano Villa, Yong Wang | seminar | 26.10.2023 - 08.02.2024, Thu 10:00-12:00 | MPIDS 0.77 Am Faßberg 17, Seminarraum EG (MPIDS) |
Statistical Physics of Neural Networks and Learning | Johannes Zierenberg, Viola Priesemann | seminar | 30.10.2023 - 29.01.2024, Mon 14:00-16:00 | |
Summer term 2023
Title | Lecturer | Type | When | Where |
Active Matter | Benoit Mahault, Ramin Golestanian |
lecture | 11.04.-11.07.2023, Tue 10:00-12:00, Tue 16:00-18:00 |
SR7, C.01.101 (Physics Faculty) |
Processing of Signals and Measured Data | Holger Nobach | lecture | 13.04.-13.07.2023, Thu 14:00-16:00, Mo 14:00-16:00 |
SR9, C04.101 (Physics Faculty), SR7, C01.101 (Physics Faculty) |
Lecture Series in Physics for Data Scientists | Ulrich Parlitz, Michael Fauth, Russel Spencer, Petri Käpylä, Florentin Andreas Wörgötter, Marcus Müller, Stanley Lai, Timo Betz |
lecture | 12.04.-12.07.2023, Wed 8:00-10:00, Mo 10:00-12:00 |
HS3, A.00.105 (Physics Faculty) |
Tutorial for Lecture Series in Physics for Data Scientists | Ulrich Parlitz, Michael Fauth, Russel Spencer, Petri Käpylä, Florentin Andreas Wörgötter, Marcus Müller, Stanley Lai, Timo Betz |
tutorial | 14.04.-14.07.2023, Fr 12:00-14:00 |
SR7, C.01.101 (Physics Faculty) |
Experimentalphysik IV | Jörg Hoffmann, Peter Keim, Christian Jooß |
lecture | 12.04.-14.07.2023, Wed 8:00-10:00, Fr 8:00-10:00 |
HS2, A00.102 (Physics Faculty) |
Current topics in theoretical physics | Karl-Henning Rehren, Johannes Zierenberg, Knut Heidemann, Marcus Müller, Laura Covi |
ring lecture | 11.04.-13.07.2023, Tue 10:00-12:00, Thu 10:00-12:00 |
HS5, E00.109 (Physics Faculty), HS3, A00.105 (Physics Faculty) |
Advanced Complex Systems and Biological Physics | Eberhard Bodenschatz, Stefan Klumpp |
seminar | 11.04.-14.07.2023, Tue 8:00-10:00, Fr 8:00-10:00 |
SR18, E.00.110 (Physics Faculty) |
Physics in Synthetic Biology | Vahid Nasirimarekani, Eberhard Bodenschatz |
seminar | 13.04.-13.07.2023, Thu 16:00-18:00 |
Seminar room 0.79 (MPI-DS) |
Self-Organization in complex living systems: from neural networks to societies | Johannes Zierenberg, Viola Priesemann |
seminar | 11.04.-11.07.2023, Tue 12:00-14:00 |
Seminar room 0.77 (MPI-DS) |
Seminar on Living Matter Physics | Jaime Agudo-Canalejo, Ramin Golestanian |
seminar | 11.04.-04.07.2023, Tue 14:00-16:00 |
Riemann room 1.40 (MPI-DS) |
Statistical Physics of Neural Networks and Learning | Johannes Zierenberg, Viola Priesemann |
seminar | 17.04.-10.07.2023, Mo 14:00-16:00 |
Seminar room 2.107 (MPI-DS) |
The fluid dynamics of wind energy | Claudia Elizabeth Brunner, Eberhard Bodenschatz |
seminar | 12.04.-12.07.2023, Wed 15:30-17:30 |
Prandtl lecture hall (MPI-DS) |
Winter term 2022/23
Title | Lecturer | Type | When | Where |
Bioengineering/Synthetic Biology | Fritz C. Simmel, Eberhard Bodenschatz |
lecture | Thu 12:15-13:45 |
Zoom |
Introduction to physics of complex systems | David Zwicker, Michael Fauth, Philip Bittihn, Suropriya Saha |
lecture | Mon 14:00-15:00 Tue 14:00-16:00 |
HS5, E.00.109 (Physics faculty) |
Modern Image Processing | Christian Dullin, Matthias Schröter |
lecture | 17.10.-21.10.2022 | SR3, A.03.101 (Physics faculty) |
Optical measurement techniques | Holger Nobach | lecture | Thu 13:00-14:00 (for questions) Thu 14:00-16:00 |
SR13, B.01.134 (Physics faculty) SR16, F.02.125 (Physics faculty) |
Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience: Collective dynamics of biological neural Networks I | Fred Wolf, Tim Gollisch, Michael Wibral |
lecture | Fri 14:00 - 16:00 | VG 3.104 (Physics faculty) |
Dynamics and self-organization in physics and biology | Alexei Krekhov, Stefano Villa, Eberhard Bodenschatz |
seminar | Thu 10:00 - 12:00 | Seminar room 0.77 (MPIDS) |
Nonlinear dynamics, time series analysis, and machine learning | Ulrich Parlitz, Philip Bittihn |
block seminar | 27.02. - 10.03.2023 | |
Ethics in Synthetic Biology | Klaus Tanner, Eberhard Bodenschatz |
block seminar | 06.03. - 17.03.2023 | |
Microfabrication techniques for Microfluidics | Stefan Karpitschka | block seminar | 11.10. - 12.10.2022 |