Publikationen von Ramin Golestanian

Zeitschriftenartikel (240)

Daddi-Moussa-Ider, A.; Hosaka, Y.; Vilfan, A.; Golestanian, R.: Axisymmetric monopole and dipole flow singularities in proximity of a stationary no-slip plate immersed in a Brinkman fluid. Physical Review Research 5 (3), 033030 (2023)
Mahault, B.; Godara, P.; Golestanian, R.: Emergent organization and polarization due to active fluctuations. Physical Review Research 5, L022012 (2023)
Osat, S.; Golestanian, R.: Non-reciprocal multifarious self-organization. Nature Nanotechnology (2022)
Bellotto, N.; Agudo-Canalejo, J.; Colin, R.; Golestanian, R.; Malengo, G.; Sourjik, V.: Dependence of diffusion in Escherichia coli cytoplasm on protein size, environmental conditions and cell growth. eLife 11 (2022)
Volpe, G.; Bechinger, C.; Cichos, F.; Golestanian, R.; Löwen, H.; Sperl, M.; Volpe, G.: Active matter in space. npj Microgravity 8, 54 (2022)
Piro, L.; Golestanian, R.; Mahault, B.: Efficiency of navigation strategies for active particles in rugged landscapes. Frontiers in Physics 10, 1034267 (2022)
Cotton, M.; Golestanian, R.; Agudo-Canalejo, J.: Catalysis-Induced Phase Separation and Autoregulation of Enzymatic Activity. Physical Review Letters 129 (15), 158101 (2022)
Shi, X.; Pumm, A.-K.; Isensee, J.; Zhao, W.; Verschueren, D.; Martin-Gonzalez, A.; Golestanian, R.; Dietz, H.; Dekker, C.: Sustained unidirectional rotation of a self-organized DNA rotor on a nanopore. Nature Physics 18, S. 1105 - 1111 (2022)
Guido, I.; Vilfan, A.; Ishibashi, K.; Sakakibara, H.; Shiraga, M.; Bodenschatz, E.; Golestanian, R.; Oiwa, K.: A Synthetic Minimal Beating Axoneme. Small, S. 2107854 (2022)
Kokkoorakunnel, R.; Ziebert, F.; Golestanian, R.: Emergent conformational properties of end-tailored transversely propelling polymers. Soft Matter 18, S. 2928 - 2935 (2022)
Agudo-Canalejo, J.; Illien, P.; Golestanian, R.: Comment on “Relative Diffusivities of Bound and Unbound Protein Can Control Chemotactic Directionality”. Langmuir, acs.langmuir.1c02840 (2022)
Rezaei-Ghaleh, N.; Agudo-Canalejo, J.; Griesinger, C.; Golestanian, R.: Molecular Diffusivity of Click Reaction Components: The Diffusion Enhancement Question. Journal of the American Chemical Society, jacs.1c11754 (2022)
Ben Ali Zinati, R.; Duclut, C.; Mahdisoltani, S.; Gambassi, A.; Golestanian, R.: Stochastic dynamics of chemotactic colonies with logistic growth. Europhysics Letters (2022)
Collesano, L.; Guido, I.; Golestanian, R.; Vilfan, A.: Active beating modes of two clamped filaments driven by molecular motors. Journal of The Royal Society Interface 19 (2022)
Daddi-Moussa-Ider, A.; Vilfan, A.; Golestanian, R.: Diffusiophoretic propulsion of an isotropic active colloidal particle near a finite-sized disk embedded in a planar fluid–fluid interface. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 940, A12 (2022)
Isensee, J.; Hupe, L.; Golestanian, R.; Bittihn, P.: Stress anisotropy in confined populations of growing rods. Journal of The Royal Society Interface 19 (196), 20220512 (2022)
Junot, G.; Wei, X.; Ortín, J.; Golestanian, R.; Wang, Y.; Tierno, P.; Meng, F.: Elastically-mediated collective organisation of magnetic microparticles. Soft Matter (2022)
Mahault, B.; Tang, E.; Golestanian, R.: A topological fluctuation theorem. Nature Communications 13, 3036 (2022)
Piro, L.; Mahault, B.; Golestanian, R.: Optimal navigation of microswimmers in complex and noisy environments. New Journal of Physics 24, S. 093037 (2022)
Pollack, Y. G.; Bittihn, P.; Golestanian, R.: A competitive advantage through fast dead matter elimination in confined cellular aggregates. New Journal of Physics 24, S. 073003 (2022)
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