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Datseris G, Ziereis A, Albrecht T, Hagmayer Y, Priesemann V and Geisel T (2019), "Microtiming Deviations and Swing Feel in Jazz", Sci Rep., December, 2019. Vol. 9(1), pp. 1-10.
Sogorski M, Geisel T and Priesemann V (2018), "Correlated microtiming deviations in jazz and rock music", PLOS ONE., January, 2018. Vol. 13(1), pp. e0186361.
Palmigiano A, Geisel T, Wolf F and Battaglia D (2017), "Flexible information routing by transient synchrony", Nat Neurosci., July, 2017. Vol. 20(7), pp. 1014-1022.
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Lamouroux D, Nagler J, Geisel T and Eule S (2015), "Paradoxical effects of coupling infectious livestock populations and imposing transport restrictions", Proc. Roy. S. B. Vol. 282(1802)
Levina A, Herrmann JM and Geisel T (2014), "Theoretical neuroscience of self-organized criticality: from formal approaches to realistic models", In Criticality in Neural Systems. , pp. 417-436. Wiley‐VCH Verlag.
Metzger JJ, Fleischmann R and Geisel T (2014), "Statistics of Extreme Waves in Random Media", Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 112, pp. 203903.
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Priesemann V, Wibral M, Valderrama M, Pröpper R, Le Van Quyen M, Geisel T, Triesch J, Nikolić D and Munk MHJ (2014), "Spike avalanches in vivo suggest a driven, slightly subcritical brain state", in vivo. Vol. 8, pp. 108.
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Lukovic M, Geisel T and Eule S (2013), "Area and perimeter covered by anomalous diffusion processes", New J. Phys.. Vol. 15, pp. 063034.
Metzger JJ, Fleischmann R and Geisel T (2013), "Intensity fluctuations of waves in random media: What is the semiclassical limit?", Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 111, pp. 013901.
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Battaglia D, Witt A, Wolf F and Geisel T (2012), "Dynamic Effective Connectivity of Inter-Areal Brain Circuits", PLoS Comput. Biol.. Vol. 8(3), pp. e1002438.
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Hennig H, Fleischmann R and Geisel T (2012), "Immer haarscharf daneben", Spektrum der Wissenschaft. Vol. 9, pp. 16-20.
Hennig H, Fleischmann R and Geisel T (2012), "Musical rhythms: The science of being slightly off", Physics Today. Vol. 65, pp. 64-65.
Lamouroux D, Eule S, Geisel T and Nagler J (2012), "Discriminating the effects of spatial extent and population size in cyclic competition among species", Phys. Rev. E. Vol. 86, pp. 021911.
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Stetter O, Battaglia D, Soriano J and Geisel T (2012), "Model-Free Reconstruction of Excitatory Neuronal Connectivity from Calcium Imaging Signals", PLoS Comput Biol. Vol. 8(8), pp. e1002653.
Belik V, Geisel T and Brockmann D (2011), "Natural Human Mobility Patterns and Spatial Spread of Infectious Diseases", Phys. Rev. X. Vol. 1(011001), pp. 1-5.
Belik V, Geisel T and Brockmann D (2011), "Recurrent host mobility in spatial epidemics: beyond reaction-diffusion", Eur. Phys. J. B. Vol. 84(4), pp. 579-587.
Hennig H, Fleischmann R, Fredebohm A, Hagmayer Y, Nagler J, Witt A, Theis F and Geisel T (2011), "The nature and perception of fluctuations in human musical rhythms", PLoS One. Vol. 6(10), pp. e26457.
Tchumatchenko T, Geisel T, Volgushev M and Wolf F (2011), "Spike correlations - what can they tell about synchrony?", Frontiers in Neuroscience. Vol. 5(68), pp. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2011.00068.
Trimborn F, Witthaut D, Hennig H, Kordas G, Geisel T and Wimberger S (2011), "Decay of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a dissipative lattice - the mean-field approximation and beyond", Eur. Phys. J. D.. Vol. 63(1), pp. 63-71.
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Metzger JJ, Fleischmann R and Geisel T (2010), "Universal Statistics of Branched Flows", Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 105(2), pp. 020601.
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Tchumatchenko T, Malyshev A, Geisel T, Volgushev M and Wolf F (2010), "Correlations and synchrony in threshold neuron models", Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 104(5)
Belik V, Geisel T and Brockmann D (2009), "The impact of human mobility on spatial disease dynamics", In Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering. , pp. 932-935. IEEE Computer Society.
Geisel T (2009), "Dem Geld auf der Spur: Lévy Walks, Lévy Flights und ihre Verwendung in neuen epidemiologischen Modellen", Physik Journal. Vol. 8(8/9), pp. 51.
Hiller M, Kottos T and Geisel T (2009), "Wave-packet dynamics in energy space of a chaotic trimeric Bose-Hubbard system", Phys. Rev. A. Vol. 79, pp. 023621.
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Levina A, Herrmann JM and Geisel T (2009), "Phase transitions towards criticality in a neural system with adaptive interactions", Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 102(11), pp. 118110.
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Geisel T and Brockmann D (2008), "Seuchen und Reisen - Neue Modelle zur Vorhersage von Epidemien in einer globalisierten Welt", In Natur und Migration. , pp. 31-40. Nova Acta Leopoldina 97, Nr. 358.
Wolf F and Geisel T (2008), "Logic gates come to life", Nature Physics. Vol. 4, pp. 905-906.
(Degering) HS, Herrmann JM and Geisel T (2007), "A feature-binding model with localized excitations", Neurocomputing. Vol. 70(10-20), pp. 1706-1710.
Hennig H, Fleischmann R, Hufnagel L and Geisel T (2007), "Fractal conductance fluctuations of classical origin", Physical Review E. Vol. 76, pp. 015202.
Levina A, Herrmann JM and Geisel T (2007), "Dynamical synapses causing self-organized criticality in neural networks", Nature Physics. Vol. 3, pp. 857-860.
Mayer NM, Herrmann M, Asada M and Geisel T (2007), "Pinwheel stability in a non-Euclidean model of pattern formation in visual cortex", J. Korean Phys. Soc.. Vol. 50(S01), pp. 150-157.
Brockmann D, Hufnagel L and Geisel T (2006), "The scaling laws of human travel", Nature. Vol. 439, pp. 462-465.
Haß J, Herrmann JM and Geisel T (2006), "Optimal Mass Distribution for Passivity-Based Bipedal Robots", The International Journal of Robotics Research. Vol. 25, pp. 1087-1098.
Hiller M, Cohen D, Geisel T and Kottos T (2006), "Wavepacket dynamics, quantum reversibility, and random matrix theory", Annals of Physics. Vol. 321, pp. 1025-1062.
Hiller M, Kottos T and Geisel T (2006), "Complexity in parametric Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonians and structural analysis of eigenstates", Physical Review A, Rapid Communication. Vol. 73, pp. 061604(R).
Levina A, Herrmann JM and Geisel T (2006), "Dynamical Synapses Give Rise to a Power-Law Distribution of Neuronal Avalanches", In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 18. Cambridge, MA , pp. 771-778. MIT Press.
Timme M, Geisel T and Wolf F (2006), "Speed of synchronization in complex networks of neural oscillators: Analytic results based on Random Matrix Theory", Chaos. Vol. 16, pp. 015108.
Brockmann D, Hufnagel L and Geisel T (2005), "Dynamics of Modern Epidemics", In SARS: A Case Study in Emerging Infections. Oxford University Press.
Herrmann JM, (Degering) HS and Geisel T (2005), "Localized activations in a simple neural field model", Neurocomputing. Vol. 65, pp. 679-684.
Morrison A, Mehring C, Geisel T, Aertsen A and Diesmann M (2005), "Advancing the Boundaries of High-Connectivity Network Simulation with Distributed Computing", Neural Computation., August, 2005. Vol. 17(8), pp. 1776-1801.
Naundorf B, Geisel T and Wolf F (2005), "Action potential onset dynamics and the response speed of neuronal populations", Journal of Computational Neuroscience. Vol. 18(3), pp. 297-309.
Naundorf B, Geisel T and Wolf F (2005), "Dynamical response properties of a canonical model for type-I membranes", Neurocomputing. Vol. 65, pp. 421-428.
Puhlmann M, Schanz H, Kottos T and Geisel T (2005), "Quantum decay of an open chaotic system: A semiclassical approach", EPL. Vol. 69, pp. 313-319.
Denker M, Timme M, Diesmann M, Wolf F and Geisel T (2004), "Breaking Synchrony by Heterogeneity in Complex Networks", Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 92, pp. 074103.
Haß J, Herrmann JM and Geisel T (2004), "Evolutionary design of an adaptive dynamic walker", In Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and Support Technologies for Mobile Machines. , pp. 765-774. Springer.
Hiller M, Kottos T, Cohen D and Geisel T (2004), "Quantum Reversibility: Is there an Echo", PRL. Vol. 92, pp. 010402.
Hufnagel L, Brockmann D and Geisel T (2004), "Forecast and Control of epidemics in a globalized world", PNAS. Vol. 101, pp. 15124-15129.
Tetzlaff T, Morrison A, Geisel T and Diesmann M (2004), "Consequences of realistic network size on the stability of embedded synfire chains", Neurocomputing., June, 2004. Vol. 58–60, pp. 117-121.
Timme M, Wolf F and Geisel T (2004), "Topological Speed Limits to Network Synchronization", Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 92, pp. 074101.
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Brockmann D and Geisel T (2003), "Lévy Flights in Inhomogeneous Media", Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 90, pp. 170601.
Brockmann D and Geisel T (2003), "Particle Dispersion on Rapidly Folding Random Hetero-Polymers", Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 91, pp. 048303.
Kaschube M, Wolf F, Puhlmann M, Rathjen S, Schmidt K-F, Geisel T and Löwel S (2003), "The Pattern of Ocular Dominance Columns in Cat Primary Visual Cortex: Intra- and Interindividual Variability of Column Spacing and its Dependence on Genetic Background", European Journal of Neuroscience. Vol. 18, pp. 3251-3266.
Kottos T, Ossipov A and Geisel T (2003), "Signatures of classical diffusion in quantum fluctuations of two-dimensional chaotic systems", Phys. Rev. E., December, 2003. Vol. 68(6), pp. 066215.
Mayer N, Herrmann JM and Geisel T (2003), "Shaping of Receptive Fields in Visual Cortex During Retinal Maturation", Journal of Computational Neuroscience. Vol. 15, pp. 307-320.
Ossipov A, Kottos T and Geisel T (2003), "Fingerprints of classical diffusion in open 2D mesoscopic systems in the metallic regime", EPL. Vol. 62, pp. 719-725.
Schanz H, Puhlmann M and Geisel T (2003), "Shot noise in Chaotic Cavities from Action Correlations", PRL. Vol. 91, pp. 134101.
Tetzlaff T, Buschermöhle M, Geisel T and Diesmann M (2003), "The spread of rate and correlation in stationary cortical networks", Neurocomputing. Vol. 52-54, pp. 949-954.
Timme M, Wolf F and Geisel T (2003), "Unstable attractors induce perpetual synchronization and desynchronization", Chaos. Vol. 13, pp. 377-387.
Wolf F and Geisel T (2003), "Sehen lernen", Georgia Augusta. Vol. 1(»Gehirn und Verstehen«)
Wolf F and Geisel T (2003), "Universality in Visual Cortical Pattern Formation", Journal of Physiology - Paris. Vol. 97, pp. 253-264.
Wolf F, Kaschube M, Geisel T and Löwel S (2003), "Sehen Verwandte die Welt ähnlich?", Biologie in unserer Zeit., July, 2003. Vol. 33(4), pp. 218-218.
Bibitchkov D, Herrmann JM and Geisel T (2002), "Effects of short-time plasticity on the associative memory", Neurocomputing. Vol. 44-46, pp. 329-335.
Bibitchkov D, Herrmann JM and Geisel T (2002), "Pattern storage and processing in attractor networks with short-time synaptic dynamics", Network: Comput. Neural Syst.. Vol. 13, pp. 115.
Dodel S, Herrmann JM and Geisel T (2002), "Functional Connectivity by Cross-Correlation Clustering", Neurocomputing. Vol. 44-46, pp. 1065-1070.
Fleischmann R and Geisel T (2002), "Mesoscopic Rectifiers based on Ballistic Transport", Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 89(1), pp. 016804.
Kaschube M, Wolf F, Geisel T and Löwel S (2002), "Genetic Influence on Quantitative Features of Neocortical Architecture", Journal of Neuroscience. Vol. 22(16), pp. 7206-7217.
Mayer N, Herrmann JM and Geisel T (2002), "Curved Feature Metrics in Models of Visual Cortex", Neurocomputing. Vol. 44-46, pp. 533-539.
Ossipov A, Kottos T and Geisel T (2002), "Signatures of Prelocalized States in Classically Chaotic Systems", PRE. Vol. 65(5), pp. 055209(R).
Tetzlaff T, Geisel T and Diesmann M (2002), "The ground state of cortical feed-forward networks", Neurocomputing. Vol. 44-46, pp. 673-678.
Timme M, Wolf F and Geisel T (2002), "Coexistence of Regular and Irregular Dynamics in Complex Networks of Pulse-Coupled Oscillators", Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 89, pp. 258701.
Timme M, Wolf F and Geisel T (2002), "Prevalence of Unstable Attractors in Networks of Pulse-Coupled Oscillators", Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 89(15), pp. 154105.
Dodel S, Herrmann JM and Geisel T (2001), "Stimulus-Independent Data Analysis for fMRI", In Emergent Neural Computational Architectures Based on Neuroscience - Towards Neuroscience-Inspired Computing.. London (2036), pp. 39-53. Springer.
Hufnagel L, Ketzmerick R, Kottos T and Geisel T (2001), "Superballistic Spreading of Wave Packets", Phys. Rev. E. Vol. 64, pp. 012301-012304.
Kaschube M, Wolf F, Geisel T and Löwel S (2001), "The prevalence of colinear contours in the real world", Neurocomputing. Vol. 38-40, pp. 1335.
Mayer N, Herrmann JM and Geisel T (2001), "Signatures of Natural Image Statistics in Cortical Simple Cell Receptive Fields", Neurocomputing. Vol. 38-40, pp. 279-284.
Ossipov A, Weiss M, Kottos T and Geisel T (2001), "Quantum mechanical relaxation of open quasiperiodic systems", Phys. Rev. B. Vol. 64, pp. 224210.
Plesser HE and Geisel T (2001), "Signal processing by means of noise", Neurocomputing., June, 2001. Vol. 38–40, pp. 307-312.
Plesser HE and Geisel T (2001), "Stochastic resonance in neuron models: Endogenous stimulation revisited", Phys. Rev. E. Vol. 63, pp. 031916.
Weiss M, Kottos T and Geisel T (2001), "Spreading and localization of wavepackets in disordered wires in a magnetic field", Phys. Rev. B. Vol. 63, pp. R81306.
Weiss M, Kottos T and Geisel T (2001), "Taming chaos by impurities in two-dimensional oscillator arrays", Phys. Rev. E. Vol. 63, pp. 056211.
Bibitchkov D, Herrmann JM and Geisel T (2000), "Synaptic depression in associative memory networks", In Proceedings of the IJCNN 2000.
Brockmann D and Geisel T (2000), "The ecology of gaze shifts", Neurocomputing. Vol. 32–33, pp. 643-650.
Dodel S, Herrmann JM and Geisel T (2000), "Comparison of temporal and spatial ICA in fMRI data analysis", In ICA 2000 Proceedings. , pp. 543-547.
Dodel S, Herrmann JM and Geisel T (2000), "Localization of brain activity - blind separation for fMRI data", Neurocomputing. Vol. 32-33, pp. 701-708.
Geisel T, Ketzmerick R and Kruse K (2000), "Quantum Chaos in Extended Systems: Spreading Wave Packets and Avoided Band Crossings", In New Directions in Quantum Chaos, Proceedings of Enrico Fermi School. IOS Press, Amsterdam , pp. 101.
Herrmann JM, Pawelzik K and Geisel T (2000), "Learning predictive representations", Neurocomputing. Vol. 32-33, pp. 785-791.
Hufnagel L, Weiss M, Iomin A, Ketzmerick R, Fishman S and Geisel T (2000), "Metal-insulator transitions in the cyclotron resonance of periodic nanostructures due to avoided band crossings", Phys. Rev. B. Vol. 62, pp. 15348.
Kaschube M, Wolf F, Geisel T and Löwel S (2000), "Quantifying the Variability of Patterns of Orientation Domains in the Visual Cortex of Cats", Neurocomputing. Vol. 32-33, pp. 415-423.
Ketzmerick R, Kruse K, Springsguth D and Geisel T (2000), "Bloch Electrons in a Magnetic Field - Why does Chaos send Electrons the Hard Way ?", Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 84, pp. 2929.
Mayer N, Herrmann JM and Geisel T (2000), "Retinotopy and spatial phase in topographic maps", Neurocomputing 2000. Vol. 32-33, pp. 447-452.
Ossipov A, Kottos T and Geisel T (2000), "Statistical properties of phases and delay times of the one-dimensional Anderson model with one open channel", Phys. Rev. B. Vol. 61, pp. 11411.
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Weiss M, Kottos T and Geisel T (2000), "Scaling properties of one-dimensional Anderson models in an electric field: Exponential vs. factorial localization", Phys. Rev. B. Vol. 62, pp. 1765.
Wolf F, Pawelzik K, Scherf O, Geisel T and Löwel S (2000), "How can squint change the spacing of ocular dominance columns?", J. Physiol.. Vol. 94, pp. 525.
Bethge M, Pawelzik K and Geisel T (1999), "Brief pauses as signals for degressing synapses", Neurocomputing., June, 1999. Vol. 26–27, pp. 1-7.
Brockmann D and Geisel T (1999), "Are human scanpaths Lévy flights?", In Artificial Neural Networks, 1999. ICANN 99. Ninth International Conference on (Conf. Publ. No. 470). Vol. 1, pp. 263-268 vol.1.
Dodel S, Herrmann JM and Geisel T (1999), "Components of brain activity - Data analysis for fMRI", In Proc. ICANN 99. , pp. 1023-1028.
Ernst U, Pawelzik K, Wolf F and Geisel T (1999), "Theory of Nonclassical Receptive Field Phenomena in the Visual Cortex", Neurocomputing. Vol. 26–27, pp. 367-374.
Herrmann JM, Pawelzik K and Geisel T (1999), "Self-organization of predictive presentations", In Proc. ICANN 99. , pp. 186-191.
Kaschube M, Wolf F, Geisel T and Löwel S (1999), "The Variability of Orientation Maps in Cat Visual Cortex", In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN99). London , pp. 79-84. IEE.
Ketzmerick R, Kruse K and Geisel T (1999), "Efficient diagonalization of kicked quantum systems", Physica D 131. , pp. 247-253.
Kruse K, Ketzmerick R and Geisel T (1999), "Quantum Chaos and Spectral Transitions in the Kicked Harper Model", In Statistical and Dynamical Aspects of Mesoscopic Systems. Proceedings of the XVI. Sitges Conference on Statistical Mechanics. , pp. 47. Springer, Berlin.
Plesser H-E and Geisel T (1999), "Bandpass Properties of Integrate-Fire Neurons", Neurocomputing. Vol. 26/27, pp. 229.
Plesser H-E and Geisel T (1999), "Markov analysis of stochastic resonance in a periodically driven integrate-and-fire neuron", Phys Rev E. Vol. 59, pp. 7008.
Wolf F and Geisel T (1999), "Pattern Formation in the Developing Visual Cortex: Topological Defects, their Generation, Motion, and Annihilation", In Statistical Mechanics of Biocomplexity: Lecture Notes in Physics. Berlin , pp. 174-193. Springer Verlag.
Ernst U, Pawelzik K and Geisel T (1998), "Analysing the Context Dependence of Receptive Fields in Visual Cortex", In Perspectives in Neural Computing: ICANN 98. London , pp. 343-348. Springer-Verlag.
Ernst U, Pawelzik K and Geisel T (1998), "Delay-induced multistable synchronization of biological oscillators", Phys. Rev. E.. Vol. 57, pp. 2150.
Ernst U, Pawelzik K, Wolf F and Geisel T (1998), "Orientation contrast enhancement modulated by differential long-range interaction in visial cortex", In Computational Neuroscience: Trends in Research (CNS 97). New York, London , pp. 361-366. Plenum Press.
Herrmann M, Pawelzik K and Geisel T (1998), "Self-Localization by Hidden Representations", In Proceedings for the 8th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN 98. , pp. 1103. Springer.
Ketzmerick R, Kruse K and Geisel T (1998), "Avoided Band Crossings: Tuning Metal-Insulator Transitions in Chaotic Systems", Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 80, pp. 137.
Ketzmerick R, Kruse K, Steinbach F and Geisel T (1998), "A covering property of Hofstadter's butterfly", Phys. Rev. B. Vol. 58, pp. 9881.
Mayer N, Herrmann M, Bauer H-U and Geisel T (1998), "A Cortical Interpretation of ASSOMs", In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN 98. , pp. 961-966. Springer.
Riesenhuber M, Bauer H-U, Brockmann D and Geisel T (1998), "Breaking Rotational Symmetry in a self-organizing map model for orientation map development", Neural Computation. Vol. 10, pp. 717-730.
Smet JH, Weiss D, Klitzing Kv, Fleischmann R, Ketzmerick R, Geisel T, Wegscheider W, Coleridge PT, Wasilewski ZW and Weimann G (1998), "Composite fermions in magnetic focusing and commensurability experiments", Physica B. Vol. 249, pp. 15.
Wolf F and Geisel T (1998), "Spontaneous pinwheel annihilation during visual development", Nature. Vol. 395, pp. 73-78.
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Bauer H-U, Brockmann D and Geisel T (1997), "Analysis of ocular dominance pattern formation in a high-dimensional self-organizing-map model", Network. Vol. 8, pp. 17-33.
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Bauer H-U, Riesenhuber M and Geisel T (1997), "Calculating Conditions for the Emergence of Structure in Self-Organizing Maps" , pp. 247-252.
Brockmann D, Bauer H-U, Riesenhuber M and Geisel T (1997), "SOM-model for the development of oriented receptive fields and orientation maps from non-oriented ON-center OFF-center inputs", In Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN'97. Berlin , pp. 207-212. Springer.
Ernst U, Pawelzik K, Wolf F and Geisel T (1997), "Geometry of orientation preference map determines nonclassical receptive field properties", In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN'97. , pp. 231-236.
Ketzmerick R, Kruse K, Kraut S and Geisel T (1997), "What determines the spreading of a wave packet?", Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 79, pp. 1959.
Riesenhuber M, Bauer H-U and Geisel T (1997), "On-Center and Off-Center Cell Competition Generates Oriented Receptive Fields from Non-Oriented Stimuli in Kohonen's Self-Organizing Map", Computational Neuroscience. , pp. 471-475.
Scherf O, Pawelzik K and Geisel T (1997), "Reorganization of Ocular Dominance Columns", Computational Neuroscience. , pp. 485-489.
Smet JH, Weiss D, Klitzing Kv, Fleischmann R, Ketzmerick R, Geisel T, Wegscheider W, Coleridge PT, Wasilewski ZW and Weimann G (1997), "Enhanced soft-wall effects for composite fermions in magnetic focusing and commensurability experiments", Physica E. Vol. 1, pp. 153-159.
Springsguth D, Ketzmerick R and Geisel T (1997), "Hall Conductance of Bloch Electrons in a Magnetic Field", Phys. Rev. B.. Vol. 56, pp. 2036.
Wolf F and Geisel T (1997), "Activity-Dependent Self-Organization of Orientation Preference Predicts a Transient Overproduction of Pinwheels during Visual Development", Computational Neuroscience. , pp. 879-884.
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Bauer H-U, Geisel T, Pawelzik K and Wolf F (1996), "Selbstorganisierende neuronale Karten", Spektrum der Wissenschaft. Vol. 4, pp. 38.
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Ernst U, Kreiter A, Pawelzik K and Geisel T (1996), "Identifying oscillatory and stochastic neuronal behaviour with high temporal precision in macaque monkey visual cortex", In Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Neuroscience, CNS'96.
Fleischmann R, Geisel T, Holzknecht C and Ketzmerick R (1996), "Nonlinear dynamics of composite fermions in nanostructures", EPL. Vol. 36, pp. 167.
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