Online Vorträge und Vorlesungen

Online Vorträge und Vorlesungen

(Die Vorträge sind vorwiegend in englischer Sprache)

Public lecture by Prof. Ramin Golestanian, Cambridge University Physics Society

November 2023
Vortrag von Ramin Golestanian im Soft Condensed Matter Seminar der Fakultät Physik an der New York University.

April 2021 [mehr]
Vortag von Ramin Golestanian auf der virtuellen Konferenz SynCell2021

Februar 2021 [mehr]
Vortrag von Philip Bittihn in der öffentlichen Ringvorlesung "Ein Virus verändert die Welt" an der Georg-August Universität, Göttingen

Juli 2020 [mehr]
Vortrag von Prof. Golestanian im KIPT Programm "Symmetry, Thermodynamics and Topology in Active Matter" per Videokonferenz

April 2020 [mehr]
Seminar given by Ramin Golestanian at the College de France in Paris

March 2019 [mehr]
Lecture Series given by Ramin Golestanian at the Ecole de Physique in Les Houches

September 2018 [mehr]
Vortrag von Prof. Ramin Golestanian in der Vortragsserie "Theoretical Physics - From Outer Space to Plasma" an der Oxford University

Februar 2017 [mehr]
Colloquium given by Ramin Golestanian at the physics department of the École normale supérieure in Paris

March 2016 [mehr]
A talk given and a discussion led by Ramin Golestaian at the KITP Program: Active Matter: Cytoskeleton, Cells, Tissues and Flocks at the UC Santa Barbara

March 2014 [mehr]
Morning of Theoretical Physics at Oxford University with Ramin Golestanian covering ideas from theoretical physics currently being applied to living systems.

September 2013 [mehr]
Talk given by Ramin Golestanian at the summer school "Mathematical approaches to complex fluids" at the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge

July 2013 [mehr]
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