Master theses projects in living matter physics

Master theses projects in living matter physics

We have several Master's projects available, and encourage motivated students to contact us at any time. Research in our department covers a wide range of topics centred on the physics of living and active matter.

Our team is highly interdisciplinary and international. We use theoretical frameworks and analytical tools from non-equilibrium statistical physics, hydrodynamics and complex/dynamical systems to understand and predict the behaviour of active systems on vastly different scales.

Depending on the application, the work in our department ranges from pen-and-paper analytical calculations to high-performance numerical simulations to analysis of experimental data generated by collaborators.

Recommended background

  • Solid background in M.Sc.-level theoretical physics
  • Courses on biopysics, non-equilibrium physics, advanced statistical physics, complex systems or collective behaviour
  • Experience in scientific computing

If you are interested in doing cutting-edge active-matter research, then write to or contact the group leaders directly, who are also happy to informally answer any questions you might have.

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