Publications Maass group

Publications Maass group

Journal Article (27)

Journal Article
Buness, C. M.; Rana, A.; Maass, C. C.; Dey, R.: Electrotaxis of Self-Propelling Artificial Swimmers in Microchannels. Physical Review Letters 133 (15), 158301 (2024)
Journal Article
Ramesh, P.; Vajdi Hokmabad, B.; Pushkin, D. O.; Mathijssen, A. J.T.M.; Maass, C. C.: Interfacial activity dynamics of confined active droplets. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 966, A29 (2023)
Journal Article
Dey, R.; Buness, C. M.; Vajdi Hokmabad, B.; Jin, C.; Maass, C. C.: Oscillatory rheotaxis of artificial swimmers in microchannels. Nature Communications 13, 2952 (2022)
Journal Article
Vajdi Hokmabad, B.; Agudo-Canalejo, J.; Saha, S.; Golestanian, R.; Maass, C. C.: Chemotactic self-caging in active emulsions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (24), e2122269119 (2022)
Journal Article
Vajdi Hokmabad, B.; Nishide, A.; Ramesh, P.; Krüger, C.; Maass, C. C.: Spontaneously rotating clusters of active droplets. Soft Matter 18, pp. 2731 - 2741 (2022)
Journal Article
Jin, C.; Chen, Y.; Maass, C. C.; Mathijssen, A. J. . .: Collective Entrainment and Confinement Amplify Transport by Schooling Microswimmers. Physical Review Letters 127, 088006 (2021)
Journal Article
Vajdi Hokmabad, B.; Dey, R.; Jalaal, M.; Mohanty, D.; Almukambetova, M.; Baldwin, K. A.; Lohse, D.; Maass, C. C.: Emergence of Bimodal Motility in Active Droplets. Physical Review X 11, 011043 (2021)
Journal Article
Han, L.; Fujita, N.; Chen, H.; Jin, C.; Terasako, O.; Che, S.: Crystal twinning of bicontinuous cubic structures. IUCrJ 7 (2), pp. 228 - 237 (2020)
Journal Article
Maass, C. C.: Oil droplets cut to the chase. Nature Chemistry 12, pp. 1091 - 1093 (2020)
Journal Article
Dev, A. A.; Dey, R.; Mugele, F.: Behaviour of flexible superhydrophobic striped surfaces during (electro-)wetting of a sessile drop. Soft Matter 15 (48), pp. 9840 - 9848 (2019)
Journal Article
Dey, R.; van Gorcum, M.; Mugele, F.; Snoeijer, J. H.: Soft electrowetting. Soft Matter 15 (32), pp. 6469 - 6475 (2019)
Journal Article
Jin, C.; Vachier, J.; Bandyopadhyay, S.; Macharashvili, T.; Maass, C. C.: Fine balance of chemotactic and hydrodynamic torques: When microswimmers orbit a pillar just once. Physical Review E 100, 040601(R) (2019)
Journal Article
Vajdi Hokmabad, B.; Baldwin, K. A.; Krüger, C.; Bahr, C.; Maass, C. C.: Topological stabilization and dynamics of self-propelling nematic shells. Physical Review Letters 123 (17), 178003 (2019)
Journal Article
Baldwin, K. A.; de Fouchier, J. B.; Atkinson, P. S.; Hill, R. J. A.; Swift, M. R.; Fairhurst, D. J.: Magnetic levitation stabilized by streaming fluid flows. Physical Review Letters 121 (6), 064502 (2018)
Journal Article
Jin, C.; Vajdi Hokmabad, B.; Baldwin, K. A.; Maass, C. C.: Chemotactic droplet swimmers in complex geometries. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 (5), 054003 (2018)
Journal Article
Zion, M. Y. B.; He, X.; Maass, C. C.; Sha, R.; Seeman, N. C.; Chaikin, P. M.: Self-assembled three-dimensional chiral colloidal architecture. Science 358 (6363), pp. 633 - 636 (2017)
Journal Article
Chen, H.; Jin, C.: Competition brings out the best: Modelling the frustration between curvature energy and chain stretching energy of lyotropic liquid crystals in bicontinuous cubic phases. Interface Focus 7 (4), 20160114 (2017)
Journal Article
Jin, C.; Krüger, C.; Maass, C. C.: Chemotaxis and autochemotaxis of self-propelling droplet swimmers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114 (20), pp. 5089 - 5094 (2017)
Journal Article
Jin, C.; Riegler, H.: Morphological transitions during melting of small cylindrical aggregates. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (30), pp. 16815 - 16821 (2016)
Journal Article
Krüger, C.; Klös, G.; Bahr, C.; Maass, C. C.: Curling liquid crystal microswimmers: A cascade of spontaneous symmetry breaking. Physical Review Letters 117 (4), 048003 (2016)
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