Seminar über aktuelle Fragen zur Dynamik komplexer Fluide: Direct numerical simulation of flow and mass transfer in complex geometries using a coupled Volume of Fluid and Immersed Boundary Method
Seminar über aktuelle Fragen zur Dynamik komplexer Fluide
- Date: Mar 2, 2018
- Time: 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Dr. Lei Yang
- Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Location: Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik und Selbstorganisation (MPIDS)
- Room: SR 0.77
- Contact:
Mass transfer across deforming interfaces such as drops, bubbles, and free surfaces is widely present in numerous important scientific and industrial applications. In order to obtain better and economically efficient technologies for this process, a detailed understanding of the dynamics within the continuous liquid phase upon mass transport is crucial.
In this work, a fully resolved direct numerical simulation of flow and mass transfer are coupled for three-dimensional complex geometries on a non-body conformal Cartesian computational domain. A direct forcing immersed boundary method (IBM) is used to resolve the coupling between fluid phase and solid wall. The fluid-fluid interface is tracked by a volume of fluid (VOF) method. An apparent contact angle is imposed as a boundary condition at the fluid-fluid interfaces in contact with solid boundaries. A second-order implicit method is applied to incorporate the mass conservation equation of the fluids. Neumann boundary conditions are incorporated at the fluid-wall interface for mass transfer. The proposed approach is validated against analytical solutions. Furthermore, present model is used to investigate the influence of the tilting motion of the geometry on the resulting mass transfer in the fluid.
In this work, a fully resolved direct numerical simulation of flow and mass transfer are coupled for three-dimensional complex geometries on a non-body conformal Cartesian computational domain. A direct forcing immersed boundary method (IBM) is used to resolve the coupling between fluid phase and solid wall. The fluid-fluid interface is tracked by a volume of fluid (VOF) method. An apparent contact angle is imposed as a boundary condition at the fluid-fluid interfaces in contact with solid boundaries. A second-order implicit method is applied to incorporate the mass conservation equation of the fluids. Neumann boundary conditions are incorporated at the fluid-wall interface for mass transfer. The proposed approach is validated against analytical solutions. Furthermore, present model is used to investigate the influence of the tilting motion of the geometry on the resulting mass transfer in the fluid.