Seminar dynamics of complex fluids - 2011
Rizwan Sadiq - TU Darmstadt
Modeling falling thin liquid films on complex topographies with longitudinal grooves
Christian Marschler - MPI-DS
A coupled map lattice mimicking turbulent puffs and slugs
Nicolas Bremond - Universtät Paris
Microfluidic investigations of the destabilization of emulsions via coalescence
Michael Wilkinson
Clustering in turbulent aerosols: a surprising application of quantum techniques
Stephan Neser - Hochschule Darmstadt
The Cyclops Eye - Monocular 3D Imaging with Time-Of-Flight Cameras
Bertrand Maury - Université Paris Sud
A granular approach of crowd motion modeling
Juan Rubén Gomez-Solano - Ecole Normale Superieur, Lyon, France
Nonequilibrium fluctuations and response of a Brownian particle
Sandro Knauß - MPI-DS
Explizit zeitabhängige Schaltungen durch Schüttungen von elektrischen Bauteilen
Erin Koos - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Capillary Suspensions: Rheological Features and Potential Applications
Logan Schultz - University of Copenhagen
Biomineralization and biofluling in simulated porous media flow systems
Wouter Ellenbroek - Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Learning about interactions from observing collective dynamics: from soft colloids to charged lipids
François Sausset - LPTMS, Orsay
Characterizing order in amorphous system
Katherine Thomas, MPI-DS Department DCF
Non-equilibrium behaviour of the polymer films: The role of spin-coating
Xunda Feng- MPIDS
Tuning the Ordering Structures at Surfactant-Laden Interfaces of Liquid Crystals
Marco Dentz- IDAEA-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain
Non-Markovian Transport Dynamics in Heterogeneous Media
Bulbul Chakraborty- Brandeis University, USA
Jamming by shear
Jim Jenkins - Cornell University
Particle Segregation in Dense, Inclined Flows of Granular Material
Nikita Tretyakov- Uni Göttingen
MD simulation of polymer films and droplets on different substrates
Sergio Alonso- Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Berlin
Application of phase field models to active liquid droplets
Antoine Fourrière - ESPCI, Paris
Bedforms in a turbulent stream: formation of ripples and dunes
Jan Vesaratchanon - KIT Karlsruhe
Fluidization of highly concentrated colloidal dispersions by tailoring weak attractive interaction
Sergio Moya- CIC biomaGUNE, San Sebastian, Spain
Polyelectrolytes and Soft Matter Nanotechnology
Anupam Sengupta- MPI-DS
Nemato-microfluidics: Textures, Trapping and Transport
Miha Ravnik- Oxford University, UK
Active and passive liquid crystal flow in micro-channels
Uwe Thiele- Loughborough University, GB
Depinning transitions in heterogeneous systems: From sliding drops onsolid substrates to driven particles in nanopores
Zeinab Sadjadi - Saarland University
Diffusive transport of light in a disordered packing of disks: Analytical approach to transport mean free path
Kier Heeck- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Advances in experimental technique of Casimir force measurements
Quentin Brosseau- MPI-DS
Microfluidic system for dynamic surface tension measurement
Annie Colin- Laboratoire du futur, Unité mixte Rhodia CNRS
Microfluidics: a tool to study enhanced oil recovery
Kerstin Wagner - MEMPHYS, Center for Biomembrane Physics University of Southern Denmark, Odense
How lipid modifying-enzymes influence and depend on lipid membrane structure
Norbert Willenbacher - Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Engineering the Stability and Flow properties of Suspensions – Recent Advances and Developments
Daniel Herde- MPI-DS
Droplet depinning on heterogeneous substrates
Brian Hutchison- Raindance Technologies, USA
Droplet Technology: life science tools enabled by surfactant and emulsion science
Stephan Luding - Universiteit Twente
From particles to continuum description: sheared granular media
David Fairhurst- Nottingham Trent University, UK
Drying of Polymer Droplets
Elena Ouskova- AALTO University, Finland
Heterogeneous liquid crystal systems with dopants of different nature: azo-dyes, magnetic and metal nano-particles, and polymer-azo-dye complexes
-> Ludwig-Prandtl-Hörsaal <-
Kai Huang- Universität Bayreuth
Dancing of wet particles: from individual bouncing to collective motion
Friday, December 16 - 10:15
Michael Engel- University of Michigan, USA
Towards Structural Complexity in Colloidal Fluidsand Crystals