
Shoba Kapoor

(in person)

Dr. Shoba Kapoor is a group leader in the LFPB department led by Prof. Bodenschatz. She obtained her B.Sc. in biology and M.Sc. in Developmental, Neural, and Behavioral Biology at the Georg-August University in Göttingen, Germany. The Master thesis project dealt with microglial cells and their binding properties to sialic acids on neurons and was carried out at the Life and Brain center in Bonn. In 2015, she joined the MPI for Multidisciplinary Sciences in Göttingen as a Ph.D. student and worked on ciliated ependymal cells in the mammalian brain. Under the supervision of Prof. Eichele and collaborative work with Prof. Bodenschatz, she graduated in 2019 from the Georg-August University in Göttingen.  After a short research stay, she joined Eberhard Bodenschatz as a postdoctoral researcher in Jan 2021 to continue her research on fluid-dynamics within brain ventricles.

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