Safety instructions and fire alarm training
To ensure safety in our Institute the Committee of Safety in the workplace (Allgemeiner Sicherheitsausschuss, ASA) and the Council have agreed the following procedure.
Instead of a single safety instruction day once a year, we will offer multiple days - for both, new and long term staff, so there will be several opportunities to participate in the safety instruction classes. Thus there will be numerous opportunities for you to take part, which the ASA and the Council hopes, will bring a high level of participation. Furthermore, there will be several fire alarm rehearsals, for which we hope also for a high participation level. Attendance will be documented, and the list of participants will be passed on to the Secretaries, the Research Group Leaders and the head of administration.
Please attend a safety instruction class and a fire alarm training once a year. By that means, you will contribute to the overall safety at the Institute.
Compulsory events
Monthly safety instructions
The monthly safety instructions take part every 2nd Tuesday per month at 10 am in the right seminar room (0.79). Please check the black board of the department for the announcement of any changes.
Fire fighter training
Unusally fire fighter trainings take place at 10.00 am and 1.30 pm behind the institute (gravel ground). Please check the black board of the department for the dates.
Fire alarm
Once per year there is a fire alarm at the institute, independently for both sites Am Faßberg and Bunsenstraße.
Additional events
First Aid training
You will be informed about the concrete date 2 weeks in advance.
Defibrillator training
You will be informed about the concrete date 2 weeks in advance.