
LFPB - Publications

Journal Article (444)

Journal Article
Bhadra, A.; Shishkina, O.; Zhu, X.: Heat and momentum transfer in Rayleigh–Bénard convection within a two-dimensional annulus under radial gravity. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 241, 126703 (2025)
Journal Article
McCormack, M.; Teimurazov, A.; Shishkina, O.; Linkmann, M.: Heat transport model for the transition between scaling regimes in quasistatic and full magnetoconvection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 241, 126641 (2025)
Journal Article
Woo, J.; Kim, Y.; Park, H.; Kim, H.: Effective and environment-friendly oil removal with microbubble jet. Separation and Purification Technology 357 (Part A), 130076 (2025)
Journal Article
Song, J.; Xu, C.; Shishkina, O.: A finite difference method for turbulent thermal convection of complex fluids. Journal of Computational Physics 525, 113732 (2025)
Journal Article
Li, Y.; Wang, X.; Guo, J.; Wang, Y.; Zykov, V. S.; Bodenschatz, E.; Gao, X.: Sonogenetics is a novel antiarrhythmic mechanism. Chaos 35, 013127 (2025)
Journal Article
Yao, Z.; Emran, M. S.; Teimurazov, A.; Shishkina, O.: Direct numerical simulations of centrifugal convection: From gravitational to centrifugal buoyancy dominance. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 236 (Part 2), 126314 (2025)
Journal Article
Zykov, V. S.; Bodenschatz, E.: Unexplored aspects of spiral wave dynamics in the Barkley model within an extended parameter range. Physical Review E 110, 064209 (2024)
Journal Article
Knöller, W.; Bagheri, G.; von Olshausen, P.; Wilczek, M.: Analysis of the measurement uncertainty for a 3D wind lidar. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 17 (23), pp. 6913 - 6931 (2024)
Journal Article
Yerragolam, G. S.; Howland, C. J.; Stevens, R. J.A.M.; Verzicco, R.; Shishkina, O.; Lohse, D.: Scaling relations for heat and momentum transport in sheared Rayleigh–Bénard convection. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1000, A74 (2024)
Journal Article
Diaz-Maue, L.; Zykov, V. S.; Majumder, R.: Photon-Scanning Approach to Control Spiral Wave Dynamics in the Heart. Physical Review Letters 133, 218401 (2024)
Journal Article
Bhadra, A.; Shishkina, O.; Zhu, X.: On the boundary-layer asymmetry in two-dimensional annular Rayleigh–Bénard convection subject to radial gravity. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 999, R1 (2024)
Journal Article
Scholz, J.; Stephan, T.; Gallemí-Pérez, A.; Csiszár, A.; Hersch, N.; Fischer, L. S.; Brühmann, S.; Körber, S.; Litschko, C.; Mijanovic, L. et al.; Kaufmann, T.; Lange, F.; Springer, R.; Pich, A.; Jakobs, S.; Peckham, M.; Tarantola, M.; Grashoff, C.; Merkel, R.; Faix, J.: Decisive role of mDia-family formins in cell cortex function of highly adherent cells. Science Advances 10 (44), eadp5929 (2024)
Journal Article
Song, J.; Kannan, V.; Shishkina, O.; Zhu, X.: Direct numerical simulations of the transition between rotation- to buoyancy-dominated regimes in rotating Rayleigh–Bénard convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 232, 125971 (2024)
Journal Article
Küchler, C.; Ibanez Landeta, A.; Moláček, J.; Bodenschatz, E.: Lagrangian particle tracking at large Reynolds numbers. Review of Scientific Instruments 95 (10), 105110 (2024)
Journal Article
Shishkina, O.; Lohse, D.: Ultimate Regime of Rayleigh-Bénard Turbulence: Subregimes and Their Scaling Relations for the Nusselt vs Rayleigh and Prandtl Numbers. Physical Review Letters 133, 144001 (2024)
Journal Article
Song, J.; Shishkina, O.; Zhu, X.: Direct numerical simulations of rapidly rotating Rayleigh–Bénard convection with Rayleigh number up to 5 x 1013. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 989, A3 (2024)
Journal Article
Gallon, S.; Sozza, A.; Feraco, F.; Marino, R.; Pumir, A.: Lagrangian Irreversibility and Energy Exchanges in Rotating-Stratified Turbulent Flows. Physical Review Letters 133, 024101 (2024)
Journal Article
Zhang, X.; Reiter, P.; Shishkina, O.; Ecke, R. E.: Wall modes and the transition to bulk convection in rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection. Physical Review Fluids 9 (5), 053501 (2024)
Journal Article
Weiss, S.; Emran, M. S.; Shishkina, O.: What Rayleigh numbers are achievable under Oberbeck-Boussinesq conditions? Journal of Fluid Mechanics 986, R2 (2024)
Journal Article
Sheikh, M. Z.; Gustavsson, K.; Leveque, E.; Mehlig, B.; Pumir, A.; Naso, A.: Effect of Turbulence on the Collision Rate between Settling Ice Crystals and Droplets. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 81 (5), pp. 887 - 901 (2024)
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