Publications of Eberhard Bodenschatz

Journal Article (238)

Journal Article
Capelo, H. L.; Molacek, J.; Lambrecht, M.; Lawson, J. M.; Johansen, A.; Blum, J.; Bodenschatz, E.; Xu, H.: Observation of aerodynamic instability in the flow of a particle stream in a dilute gas. Astronomy and Astrophysics 622, A151 (2019)
Journal Article
Vilfan, A.; Subramani, S.; Bodenschatz, E.; Golestanian, R.; Guido, I.: Flagella-like beating of a single microtubule. Nano Letters 19 (5), pp. 3359 - 3363 (2019)
Journal Article
Lawson, J. M.; Bodenschatz, E.; Lalescu, C. C.; Wilczek, M.: Bias in particle tracking acceleration measurement. Experiments in Fluids 59 (11), 172 (2018)
Journal Article
Schwille, P.; Spatz, J.; Landfester, K.; Bodenschatz, E.; Herminghaus, S.; Sourjik, V.; Erb, T.; Bastiaens, P.; Lipowsky, R.; Hyman, A. et al.; Dabrock, P.; Baret, J. P.; Vidakovic-Koch, T.; Bieling, P.; Dimova, R.; Mutschler, H.; Robinson, T.; Tang, D.; Wegner, S.; Sundmacher, K.: MaxSynBio - Avenues towards creating cells from the bottom up. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 57 (41), pp. 13382 - 13392 (2018)
Journal Article
Schwille, P.; Spatz, J.; Landfester, K.; Bodenschatz, E.; Herminghaus, S.; Sourjik, V.; Erb, T.; Bastiaens, P.; Lipowsky, R.; Hyman, A. et al.; Dabrock, P.; Baret, J. P.; Vidakovic-Koch, T.; Bieling, P.; Dimova, R.; Mutschler, H.; Robinson, T.; Tang, D.; Wegner, S.; Sundmacher, K.: MaxSynBio: Wege zur Synthese einer Zelle aus nicht lebenden Komponenten. Angewandte Chemie 130 (41), pp. 13566 - 13577 (2018)
Journal Article
Weiß, S.; He, X.; Ahlers, G.; Bodenschatz, E.; Shishkina, O.: Bulk temperature and heat transport in turbulent Rayleigh–Bénard convection of fluids with temperature-dependent properties. Jouarnal of Fluid Mechanics 851, pp. 374 - 390 (2018)
Journal Article
Eckstein, T.; Vidal-Henriquez, E.; Bae, A.; Zykov, V. S.; Bodenschatz, E.; Gholami, A.: Influence of fast advective flows on pattern formation of Dictyostelium discoideum. PLoS One 13 (3), e0194859 (2018)
Journal Article
Zykov, V. S.; Bodenschatz, E.: Periodic sequence of stabilized wave segments in an excitable medium. Physical Review E 97 (3), 030201 (2018)
Journal Article
Gao, X.; Krekhov, A.; Zykov, V. S.; Bodenschatz, E.: Initiation of rotors by fast propagation regions in excitable media: A theoretical study. Frontiers in Physics 6, 8 (2018)
Journal Article
Weiss, M.; Frohnmayer, J. P.; Benk, L. T.; Haller, B.; Janiesch, J. W.; Heitkamp, T.; Börsch, M.; Lira, R. B.; Dimova, R.; Lipowsky, R. et al.; Bodenschatz, E.; Baret, J.-C.; Vidakovic-Koch, T.; Sundmacher, K.; Platzmann, I.; Spatz, J. P.: Sequential bottom-up assembly of mechanically stabilized synthetic cells by microfluidics. Nature Materials 17 (1), pp. 89 - 96 (2018)
Journal Article
Prabhakara, K. H.; Gholami, A.; Zykov, V. S.; Bodenschatz, E.: Effects of developmental variability on the dynamics and self-organization of cell populations. New Journal of Physics 19 (11), 113024 (2017)
Journal Article
Hsu, H.-F.; Bodenschatz, E.; Westendorf, C.; Gholami, A.; Pumir, A.; Tarantola, M.; Beta, C.: Variability and order in cytoskeletal dynamics of motile amoeboid cells. Physical Review Letters 119 (14), 148101 (2017)
Journal Article
Vidal-Henriquez, E.; Zykov, V. S.; Bodenschatz, E.; Gholami, A.: Convective instability and boundary driven oscillations in a reaction-diffusion-advection model. Chaos 27 (10), 103110 (2017)
Journal Article
Prabhakaran, P.; Weiss, S.; Krekhov, A.; Pumir, A.; Bodenschatz, E.: Can hail and rain nucleate cloud droplets? Physical Review Letters 119 (12), 128701 (2017)
Journal Article
Sinhuber, M.; Bewley, G. P.; Bodenschatz, E.: Dissipative effects on inertial-range statistics at high reynolds numbers. Physical Review Letters 119 (13), 134502 (2017)
Journal Article
Zykov, V. S.; Krekhov, A.; Bodenschatz, E.: Geometrical factors in propagation block and spiral wave initiation. Chaos 27 (9), 093923 (2017)
Journal Article
Ahlers, G.; Bodenschatz, E.; He, X.: Ultimate-state transition of turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection. Physical Review Fluids 2 (5), 054603 (2017)
Journal Article
Zykov, V. S.; Krekhov, A.; Bodenschatz, E.: Fast propagation regions cause self-sustained reentry in excitable media. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114 (6), pp. 1281 - 1286 (2017)
Journal Article
Shiskina, O.; Weiss, S.; Bodenschatz, E.: Conductive heat flux in measurements of the Nusselt number in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection. Physical Review Fluids 1 (6), 062301(R) (2016)
Journal Article
Negrete, J.; Pumir, A.; Hsu, H. F.; Westendorf, C.; Tarantola, M.; Beta, C.; Bodenschatz, E.: Noisy oscillations in the actin cytoskeleton of chemotactic amoeba. Physical Review Letters 117 (14), 148102 (2016)
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